How is Child Support Determined in Maryland?

Learn about how child support is calculated in Maryland, how custody and extraordinary costs affect payments, and more.

How is Child Support Determined in Maryland?

Calculating the amount of child support in Maryland requires an evaluation of the income of both parents. The courts will take into account all types of income, including alimony and pre-existing child support payments. The division of custody and extraordinary costs also affect the amount of child support payments. To determine the amount of money both parents will need to pay for child support, the court will use a table of guidelines based on the combined adjusted real income or imputed income of both parents.

The parent who cares less for the child is usually responsible for paying all or part of their share to the other parent as child support. In some cases, the court orders that support be paid through a wage garnishment and the amount is automatically deducted from the responsible parent's paycheck. If a parent doesn't pay child support, the Office of Child Support Control can take action against them, including suspending their driver's license and intercepting tax refunds. The law does not define material changes, but generally any change that causes at least 25 percent in parents' income or in the child's expenses will be taken into account.

However, the party seeking the modification has the burden of demonstrating that there has been a substantial change in the circumstances that justifies the modification of the child's alimony. Custody X Change calculates parenting time accurately, so your alimony will have the fairest outcome for your children. The Maryland child support formula directly accounts for parents who share custody of a child, and the amounts of child support payments are related to the division of custody. Adjusted gross income is calculated by taking into account alimony intended to finance the parent receiving support (also known as a “creditor”) and pre-existing child support.

If you have legal questions about child support in Maryland, it can be very beneficial to talk to a Maryland child support lawyer. Parents who don't divorce can file for child support when they open a custody case, or they can open a child support case. If the monthly income of the non-custodial parent changes, the dollar amount they pay for child support will also change.

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